so it's 6 o'clock and i should be thinking about packing it all up (literally, since tomorrow i'm going to my other office across town) and going home. but instead i'm just sitting here. lots of just sitting here. i'm kind of in a funk today (well since monday actually). this is what happens when i've got too much time to be in my head. and when i see photos of myself. i was surrounded by a lot of people with cameras this weekend and caught glimpses of myself here and there that were like a punch to the gut. i've never considered myself to be particularly attractive but seeing how old and fat i really look was quite the shock. i know i could do something about it so i'm not going to discuss it -- because that's boring and it's bad enough that i look like shit. if i were boring then i'd be really depressed.
anyway, sorry about that. but it's my blog, and my tagline does describe this blog as a place to put "my stuff."
in other news, i'm knitting socks. mystery socks to be exact.
i've got two pair on the needles.
the lavender pair here are the simpler of the two. so far, it's just a twisted rib type pattern. you can follow my progress here.
this apricot pair is a little more complex, with a large traveling cable up each side. again, the details are here.
also, just my opinion, but this knitting two socks at a time is bullshit. seriously. (so you might be asking yourself, why am i knitting them two at a time. because i want to knit both pairs this month and i don't have enough needles to do them separately).
anyway, that's all i've got for today.
day 180 -- since i've taken those photos, i've gotten a little further along. i'm almost done with the leg of the lavender pair. and i ended up frogging one of the apricot socks because of a mistake i couldn't fix. i've since finished the leg of one of the apricot socks and i'm ready to knit the heels. (the second apricot sock will get knit later).
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