i'm a little behind today. but whatever. here's some stuff that i've been working on or thinking about working on.
this little crochet project needs to be properly photographed. this is what i worked on while in france. or should i say, when I WAS GIVEN THE TIME TO WORK ON SOMETHING!
this is undyed fiber (unknown origins) that i spun up this week. as you can see, i tend to overspin. i need to work on that. this is for a mystery experiment project that i'm working on. SCIENCE!
and this is the Pop Art Mini Tapestry Kit that i ordered from Purl during their recent 20% sale. i'm a little bit of a mini cooper fiend (i drive one) and fell in love with this kit ages ago. but it cost a little more than i was willing to spend so i waited. finally not only did it go on sale, but then it was an additional 20% off! so it came home to live with me. i think i'll save it to work on this winter.
so that's all that's going on around here. in a bit i'm heading out to Fiber Revival, a lovely local fibery event about an hour or so away from me.
i'm sure i'll see some of you there.
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