thank you for your ideas. and thank you for the birthday greetings. j says that we are at an age when we shouldn't care about birthdays. and what i say to him is ... LIAR!
i'm taking all of your ideas to heart. there are some good ones. AND SOME WHERE CLEARLY THE COMMENTER DID NOT READ THE POST CAREFULLY. but their ideas were good ones too and fitness is definitely something i'm working on improving. jmo, climbing everest? really? yeah, um, no. that doesn't sound like fun AT ALL to me.
anyway, to thank you for commenting, i've randomly selected one of you to win a little something. and the winner is .... CHAWNE!
i just sent you a ravelry pattern. i hope you like it.
anyway to everyone else, merry christmas, happy holidays, and as a friend of mine would say, "and all of that happy horseshit."
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