remember when we all did memes on our blogs? it was always fun finding out stuff about people that you didn't know, sometimes leading to real life relationships? remember when? they were also great for when you didn't have a clear cut topic that you wanted to write about. which is why today i tagged myself on this one that is being circulated among the quilters out there. hi quilters!
1. What am I working on?
a lot of things and nothing at all. which is pretty much my MO. i currently have the following WIPs in the wings.
1. a crocheted blanket that needs finishing (i'm much further along than this)

2. a knitted blanket that needs finishing (i've lost my mojo for this project, but i'm almost done and i really should just finish it).
3. a knitted headband type thing that i'm currently working on for keeping ears warm.
4. a sweater for me that i have yet to finish and yet i'm so so so damn close.
5. i just learned how to weave!

in addition, i have some handspun waiting for 2 other projects that are in my head. i have been spinning.
then i've been drawing and painting and coloring.
like i said, i'm all over the place these days.
2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
this question really is specific to the quilters who are participating in this meme but i'm going to broaden a bit, "how does my work differ from others."
well i'm not exactly sure that my work is particularly unique, but i do see some recurring themes.
i'm all about color. almost everything i make at some point was because i was motivated by color. i make blankets because i would never wear multi-colored crazy assed sweaters. or prints for that matter. i rarely wear prints. but blankets and pillows are just asking for a cachophony of color and textures.

i like clean basic shapes and details. my favorite knitting stitch really is garter. i mean, look how pretty this is? i can knit cables and lace and fair isle, but when it comes down to it, i really prefer knitting in garter stitch (oh and i'm a sucker for a modular design).

garter stitch and stripes! 2 of my favorite things ever! also, i just discovered the icord bind off. pain in the ass of course but damn it's a good looking bind off. (pattern from stephen west).
and i'm a huge fan of the granny square. the traditional granny square.

(note: any old crocheted square is not a granny square in my book. don't make me have to correct you.)
3. Why do I write/create what I do?
i create what i do because i love color. and i like to mix those colors up. my favorite toys as a child were creating toys - a tiny sewing machine, colored markers, paints and legos. i made clothes for my barbies, built houses out of cardboard, tried to create reactions by throwing lotions, powders, tooth paste etc. in the bathroom sink. SCIENCE! (the only thing i succeeded in creating was a mess). and now i create because it calms me and makes me happy. and yes, i majored in a science in college.
4. How does my writing/creating process work?
i very rarely plan on paper or sketch first. most of the time i just see a color grouping that i become obsessed with and i have to work in it. a bunch of yarn colorways that i see lying next to eachother in a store. or a photo or project in a book. sometimes it's a technique that i want to learn. and sometimes it's for SCIENCE! for example over the past few years i've been knitting the same exact sock pattern in different sock yarns as an experiment to see how different yarns look. i guess i could have knit just swatches, but what's the fun in that.
other than that, most of my ideas just sit in my head and sometimes they make it out, and sometimes they don't.
and that's it! you can tag yourself. let me know if you do.
and have a happy turkey day!
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